South Office

Meet The Team


(403) 512-1316
Lora Greco
Real Estate Professionals Inc. (North Office)

As my little Italian grandmother always use to say “La casa e dove si trova il cuore” which means: Home is where the heart is. I guess that resonated with me because my career has focused on the home and family! Before becoming a real estate agent, I was a home builder and have had my hands on everything from blue prints through to the finishing stage! I know what goes into a quality build and that comes in handy when representing your best interests as buyers and sellers. My three sons grew up with a working mom who loved real estate and now I am happy to advise their investments and help their friends buy their first homes and revenue properties. Your satisfaction is my priority whether your adventure consists of finding your first home or your forever home; I will guide you through the process. I am committed to helping my clients live in the right home through traditional tactics, today’s technology and a wealth of experience with proven results! My goal is to ensure that you have the best real estate experience possible. I am passionate in developing a strong connection with my clients along with providing exceptional service. My focus is to create long lasting relationships, dependable advice and respect one of the most important transactions you will ever make. I know when choosing a REALTOR, you have a lot of choices…. when it is time, reach out and invite me to see your home before you have someone else put a sign on your lawn. I am here for you…16 years’ experience to serve your best interest!

202, 5403 Crowchild Tr. NW
T3B 4Z1

Contact Lora

(403) 512-1316

Meet Our Agents. Two Offices. One Team.

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#100, 5810 2nd Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2H 0H2

Go with the Pros!